dr hab. Marta Mendel (PhD, DSc)


dr hab. Marta Mendel (PhD, DSc)

Specializes in: Pharmacological actions of medicinal plants and active substances of plant origin


Study fields:

  • use of alternative methods and in vitro/ex vivo experimental models, which allow the assessment of xenobiotic effects on various functions of the gastrointestinal tract and liver
  • evaluation of toxic effects of mycotoxins


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prof. dr hab. Piotr Szeleszczuk (PhD, DSc, ProfTit)

Specializes in: Bird Veterinary Medicine, Diagnosis, Pathology and Treatment of various infectious and non-infectious diseases of poultry, domestic birds and pigeons.


Study fields:

  • diagnostics, pathology and treatment of various infectious and non-infectious diseases of poultry, domestic birds and pigeons
  • avian influenza
  • poultry salmonellosis
  • quality of poultry meat and eggs
  • health risks of poultry products
  • antibiotics and hormones in poultry products
  • diseases that birds can infect us with
  • pigeons - a threat to urban residents
  • poultry farm biosecurity

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