Study programmes in WULS-SGGW at the top of rankings by „Perspektywy” and „Rzeczpospolita”

Also our other programmes were rated highly. In the category called by the organizers “the area of life sciences”, WULS-SGGW took the 6th (life sciences programmes) and the 7th (environmental protection). position. In the area of technical sciences, the programme of technical engineering took the 10th place. Also the youngest programme, the technology of renewable energy, which has been run for 3 years at the Faculty of Production Engineering, was classified highly in the area of power industry.

Professor Daria Nałęcz – the vice minister for science and higher education, the head of the chapter, Professor Michał Kleiber and the editors-in-chief of “Perspektywy”: Bianka Siwińska and „Rzeczpospolita” – Bogusław Chrabota, congratulated the prize winners

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