WULS-SGGW to receive over 3 mln PLN for the protection of the European bison

The project application for the funds was highly rated by the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management. The project, which will be implemented in the years of 2014-2016, received 94 points out of 100, while it was enough to get more than 60 points in order to receive the grant. Until mid-March, a list will be released that formally confirms the receiving of the grant.

The funds will allow for i.a. continuation of current activities in the Białowieża Forest, where meadows were contracted in order to provide hay for the bisons. Feeding bison is mainly aimed at making the animals want to freely wander among the forests.
In the years 2014-2016, approximately 480 thousand PLN will be allocated for contracting meadows in the vicinity of Białowieża. As much resources will be spent on feeding the bisons (e.g. the purchase of fodder). 12 thousand PLN will be allocated to buying fence, e.g. electric fence.

The funds will allow for contracting around 100-120 hectares of meadows. For the preparation of meadows, gathering the hay and leaving it in the meadows so that it is there for bisons during the winter, a farmer can receive about 2.4 thousand PLN per hectare.

The Białowieża European bison herd consists of 505 individuals.

The project manager is prof. dr hab. Wanda Olech-Piasecka, the Dean of the Faculty of Animal Sciences.

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