WULS-SGGW has a new offer for high school graduates

For the academic year of 2013/2014, the University has prepared over 10 000 places in the 34 of both full time and extramural programmes.

From among a wide variety of programmes, two of them will be offered to the candidates for the first time: Animal bioengineering and Hotel industry and gastronomy.

Animal bioengineering will be a full-time, first-cycle programme at the Department of Animal Sciences. 60 places will be available. The studies will enable the graduates to pursue the professional title of engineer. Students will be educated in bioengineering specializing in animal bioengineering. The studies are based on a modern educational programme, including the most innovative knowledge disciplines and teaching methods. The new programme is the reaction of the Department of Animal Sciences to a growing demand for a modern study and practice in the academic discipline which is developing very rapidly, and particularly with respect to the possible application of its achievement in the economy. The results of a questionnaire study carried out by the WULS-SGGW indicate that knowledge and skills gained during studies, combining theoretical basics of technical and environmental sciences with practical skills and the mastery of modern laboratory techniques, are highly appreciated by employers.

Scientists with respected achievements in the area of animals sciences and veterinary medicine teach in the programme. The lecturers are also engaged in studies of animal genetics, embryology, cytology, immunology, physiology, nutrition, animal breeding and animal biology, ecology and toxicology of animal environment, nanotechnology and nanobiology and modern analytical instrumental techniques.

The graduates will be prepared for scientific and experimental work. They will gain, i.a. abilities in nanoengineering and genetic engineering used for biological animal engineering. They will be prepared to work in enterprises that develop, prepare and assess tools, systems, and technologies that use the achievements of animal bioengineering, and specifically:

-in biotechnological industry that deals with production of bioactive substances used in the medicine, pharmacy industry, veterinary science;

- in diagnostical and analytical laboratories called to investigate biological material and assess the toxicity of the environment,

- in nanobiotechnology industry

- in institutions that use animal models for investigation,

-and in science and research centres, educational, control and governmental institutions (Polish and in the EU)

Hotel industry and gastronomy will be a programme at the Faculty of Human Nutrition and Consumer Studies. There will be 60 places available. Graduates of the programme, who will complete the first cycle on a daily basis (stationary studies), will earn the professional title of engineer. The new programme is a result of constant monitoring of the job market and many years of cooperation of the Faculty with enterprises from that area. The aim of the education in this programme is to prepare the graduates to having their economic activity and managing gastronomical, catering and hotel enterprises. The graduates will also be able to work in institutions that deal with quality management and food safety and human nutrition safety. They will be prepared to work both in individual gastronomy, system gastronomy and gastronomy for special purposes, with the use of knowledge from the field of human nutrition, dietetics, food production and economic sciences. They will gain skills of designing, organizing and supplying the gastronomic and hotel enterprises; of managing finances and human resources, techniques and technologies of gastronomy, as well as nutrition planning, accustomed to consumers’ individual needs and the choice of optimal marketing strategies on the market of gastronomy and hotel services.

In the teaching programme there are i.a. topics concerned with nutrition planning for various groups of people, microbiology and food production hygiene, quality and safety management in gastronomy, gastronomic technology, customer service in gastronomy, commodity science, hotel industry, technological planning in gastronomic enterprises, catering and market research in the services market.

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