WULS-SGGW Open University started

WULS- SGGW Open University is an educational offer directed to people who want to expand their knowledge on a given issue, gain new experience, find the perfect study programme, discover their passion and efficiently spend their free time. 
The courses organized by the Open University are open to all, regardless of age or educational background. The topics of courses include several areas of interest: the nature, food and nutrition, human and technology, economy and society. These are 15-30 hour courses taught by academics and doctoral students of WULS-SGGW. To allow all people interested to participate in the courses, classes are held on weekdays and weekends. After the completion of a course, participants receive an appropriate certificate.

Sample course topics: Microorganisms in Food, Let’s produce meats ourselves, Let’s discover the secrets of creating fragrances, Bloodless hunting, or Nature photography for beginners, Remarkable world of plants, Organizing allotment garden, Design and modernizing buildings according to the requirements of low energy consumption, Economic lobbying, Negotiations, Financial accounting for beginners. 
A detailed list of courses can be found on the website www.uo.sggw.pl.
You can sign up and receive more information at the Office of WULS-SGG, ul Nowoursynowska 166 building 8, room 8A, e-mail:uobiuro@sggw.pl, tel. 22 593 10 65

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