Our university is a leader of “media university ranking”

In comparison to the results of the examination that was published in March this year, WULS-SGGW noted a significant increase in the number of publications – by 37 per cent. From 1 October 2011 to 20 September 2012 there were 6.9 thousand publications on the WULS-SGGW, mostly in the Internet (4.7 thousand). Also results of the press publications are very positive (1.3 thousand) and radio and television stations (0.9 thousand). The second university in the ranking, Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences notes less than 2.5 publications, which may also be a proof of WULS-SGGW success.

Institutions of Higher Education were divided into several categories: the ones with agricultural-environmental profile, technical institutions and universities. Technical schools and universities have the broadest media coverage. However, environmental universities note an increasing trend, which is a good forecast. If WULS-SGGW was classified among all the public universities from other categories, it would have the high 19th rank.

The analysis conducted by the Institute of Media Monitoring (IMM) for the Press Office of WULS-SGGW shows that the advertisement equivalent for the most important (chosen) press articles on WULS-SGGW that come out is a couple of million PLN. Among all the articles on higher education, the share of publications which referred to WULS-SGGW amounted to 40% (IMM for WULS-SGGW monitoring).

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