Honorary doctorates of WULS-SGGW for outstanding scientists

The Days of WULS-SGGW will take place on the 23 and 24 May. This year, the days of WULS-SGGW are part of the celebrations of the 200th anniversary of our university. As each year, the university celebration will start with a solemn session of the WULS-SGGW Senate. During the ceremony, the honorary doctorates will be granted to Professor Michele Jamiolkowski and Professor Wojciech Wolski.

Professor Michele Jamiołkowski is an outstanding scholar in the field of soil mechanics and geotechnics. Professor Michele Jamiołkowski actively participates in research and educational activities of the  Faculty of Civil Engineering and Environmental Science, including: initiating and consulting the directions of laboratory and field studies, actively participating in joint scientific research, supporting the development of the faculty by reviewing doctoral and habilitation dissertations, arranging international internships and participating in national and international conferences and seminars organized by the Faculty with requested lectures.

Professor Wojciech Wolski is a distinguished scholar in the field of geotechnics and hydrotechnics. Professor Wojciech Wolski was the initiator and one of the organizers of the doctoral studies at the Faculty of Water Reclamation established in 1978. He supervised more than 100 Master Theses and  15 doctoral dissertations.  Several of his students received doctoral degrees and professor titles. Publishing achievements of Professor Wojciech Wolski include more than 200 papers in national and international journals and in materials from conferences held in Europe and all over the world on the topics of geotechnics and hydrotechnics. He is also a co-author of 12 books and monographs. Professor Wojciech Wolski leads is very active in various scientific and professional organizations, both national and international, such as: in the Committee of Water and Civil Engineering Sciences of Polish Acadmy of Science, ISSMGE, ICOLD and in the Polish Committee of Geotechnics.


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