Euroleague Conference at Warsaw University of Life Sciences

The first part was attended by representatives of authorities and scientific and teaching staff from 10 countries, i.e. Rectors, vice-rectors, deans and professors from the German, Danish, Dutch, Swedish, Austrian, Czech, American New Zealand and Israeli universities. Euroleague is an organization of leading universities of agriculture and life sciences in Europe. The following European Universities are part of the Euroleague:

• Warsaw University of Life Sciences,

• Wageningen University, The Netherlands,

• University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences in Vienna, Austria,

• Czech University of Life Sciences in Prague, Czech Republic,

• University of Hohenhaim Germany

• Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Sweden

• University of Copenhagen, Denmark

and outside Europe (as affiliates):

• Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, USA,

• China Agricultural University, China,

• Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Food and Environment, Jerusalem,

• Lincoln University, New Zealand.

Universities cooperate in the field of natural resource management, agricultural and forestry sciences, life sciences, food science and the environmental science. The aim of ELLS is to prepare and carry out joint research and teaching programs, to facilitate the mobility of students and teachers by simplifying the procedures and the provision of high quality teaching.

Thursday and Friday (13 and 14 November 2014) were days of intense work of the EuroLeague for Life Sciences Board and of the academics belonging to the ELLS. During number of thematic sessions, among other topics, the following were discussed: the methods of adapting educational programs and doctoral degrees and research programs in a way that would enable to transfer their effects to practical application in the European economy.

The opening of the conference was held at the Crystal Hall of WULS-SGGW. The guests were welcomed by Professor Alojzy Szymański, the Rector of the Warsaw University of Life Sciences and by Professor Lisa Sennerby Forss, the Rector of the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences. Next, the participants watched a film showing a broad activity of WULS-SGGW concerning teaching, science, and social events.
Towards the end, the enthusiastically applauded by guests Zofia Stolarzowa Folk Art Group “Promni” performed. In the evening, a gala dinner was held at Water Centre of WULS-SGGW, during which the Representative Orchestra of the university along with the soloist Ms. Joanna Nawrot performed.

On Friday and Saturday, students met. They first participated in the "urban game" and then watched the movie “Miasto 44”. The main purpose of their stay, however,  was to participate in a conference, the topic of which was "Brave New Thinking, Brave New Sciences, Brave New World". The conference was attended by more than 200 students of ELLS universities who gave 126 lectures in three thematic sessions, had 60 presentations and 66 posters. The meeting ended with the award ceremony. Awards were granted separately for the presentation of papers and posters.

The winners in the categories of papers were:

I. Sustainable, green and smart development

First place: Imke Harms, University of Copenhagen, Faculty of SCIENCE,

Second place: Franziska Häfner, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences,

Third place: Ilona Grabowska, Warsaw University of Life Sciences,

II. Bio-Economy and Innovation

First place: Claudia Kolm, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna,

Second place: Javier Lizasoain, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna,

Third place Mateusz Hinzmann, Warsaw University of Life Sciences,

III. Agribusiness for modern society

First place: Paula Kiełbik, Warsaw University of Life Sciences,

Second place: Julian Kofler, University of Hohenheim,

Third place: Maria David, Warsaw University of Life Sciences,

Among the authors of the best posters were:

I. Sustainable, green and smart development

First place Pride Anya Ebile, University of Hohenheim,

Second place: Moritz Moosmüller, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna

Third place: Fiona Gossmann, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences,

II. Bio-Economy and Innovation

First place: Antti Seitsonen, University of Copenhagen, Faculty of SCIENCE,

Second place: Sage Sluter, Czech University of Life Sciences in Prague,

Third place: Monika Woźny, Warsaw University of Life Sciences

III. Agribusiness for modern society

First place: Martina Falagiarda, University of Copenhagen, Faculty of SCIENCE,

Second place: Ewa Kacprzyk, Warsaw University of Life Sciences,

Third place: Żaneta Dzięgelewska, Warsaw University of Life Sciences.

The student conference met with a great interest of students and their supervisors. The evidence of it were lively discussions during and after the conference. Most of the participants promised to meet at the next ELLS conference, which is to be held in 2015 in the Czech University of Life Sciences in Prague.

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