The AgroPartner Distinction of the 25 years for the WULS-SGGW

The Ceremony of granting the distinctions for the Farmer of the 25 years, the Manufacturer of the 25 years, AgroPartner of the 25 years and The Group of Producers of the 10 years took place in the auditorium of the crystal hall of the WULS-SGGW. The honorary patrons of the event were The Deputy Prime Minister and The Minister of Economy, Janusz Piechociński, and Marek Sawicki, The Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development.

The Gala of granting the distinctions to the best farmers, manufacturers, groups of producers and research and economic institutions that create and stimulate the development of rural areas and agriculture was opened by prof. dr hab. Alojzy Szymański, the Rector of the Warsaw University of Life Sciences . During his speech, Professor Szymanski congratulated the winners on their success, pointing out that the Warsaw University of Life Sciences is a university that has long supported the Polish agriculture and Polish entrepreneurs. The awards were granted by Janusz Piechociński, the Deputy Prime Minister and the Minister of Economy.

During the Gala, the Warsaw University of Life Sciences was also represented by prof. dr hab. Wiesław Bielawski- Vice-Rector for Development, prof. dr hab. Jan Niemiec  - Vice-Rector for Science, prof. dr hab. Marek S. Szyndel- Vice-Rector for International Cooperation,  prof. dr hab. Bogdan Klepacki - Vice-Rector for Didactics, prof. dr hab. Andrzej Lenart  - Rector's Attorney for Cooperation with the Economy, prof. dr hab. Kazimierz Banasik - Rector's Attorney for International Research Projects, prof. dr hab. Tomasz Borecki and dr inż. Władysław W. Skarżyński- the Chancellor of the University.

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